Chiropractors are health care professionals who diagnose, treat and help prevent disorders of the spinal cord, nervous system and musculoskeletal system (spine and joints). They practice a hands-on approach to health care that includes manipulation of the spine and other joint structures, soft tissue therapies (such as myofascial release therapy and trigger point therapy), medical acupuncture, electrotherapy and therapeutic exercise. They also provide nutritional, dietary and lifestyle counseling.
The most obvious benefit of chiropractor in north york is pain relief. It’s one of the most effective ways to directly deal with back and neck pain, but it can improve many other problems too. For example, migraines and headaches are often a result of muscle tightness in the shoulders and neck. By decreasing nerve interference from the spine, chiropractic can reduce these symptoms and decrease their frequency.
Navigating Pain-Free Living: How a Chiropractor in North York Can Improve Your Quality of Life
Chiropractic care also helps to prevent injuries by reducing the stress and tension that is so common in our daily lives. It can increase flexibility, endurance and strength, and improve posture and balance. It can even help you sleep better and improve your overall mental and emotional well being.
True Life Wellness and Physiotherapy has been providing chiropractic care to the North York community since 2007. Dr. Irving Pisarek, Clinic Director and Founder is a highly respected chiropractor in north york with over 46 years of experience. He is a member of the Canadian Chiropractic Association and a regulated health care professional in Ontario. He treats a wide variety of musculoskeletal conditions and diseases including spine and joint injuries and pain syndromes, as well as a range of sports injuries.